We accept Card and Cash payments
Chiropractic: €50
Naprapath: €50
Physiotherapy: €45
Shockwave: €50
60 minutes: €50
30 minutes: €25
Sports massage: €45
Gym and Classes
All your visits to the gym and classes must be pre-booked.
Monthly plans
Gym 1 month: €50
Gym 1 week: €20
Gym and Classes 1 week: €25
Gym 6 months: €275
Gym 1 year: €550
10 sessions: €80
20 sessions: €150
The clipcard can be shared with family and friends. Can be used for both gym and classes; expiry in 1 year.
Drop-in gym/classes
1 session: €10
Personal Sessions
Emily Kerfoot, Personal Trainer, :
1 session €40
5 sessions €175
10 sessions €300
Lisa Jones, Pilates Specialist:
Personal Training, Pilates, or Yoga
1 session: €50
Card with 5 sessions: €225